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VC Playbook - Interview Series

Darrel Frater

Associate @ Visible Hands
Darrel is an Investment Associate at Visible Hands VC where he assists the VH team in managing a portfolio of 45 companies.

Prior to Visible Hands, Darrel was a Venture Fellow at Score 3 Ventures where he assisted underrepresented founders in raising their first rounds of funding.

Lex Chen

Investment Principal @ ACE & Company
Lex works as a Principal at London based investment firm ACE & Company where he sources and leads direct investments worldwide.

ACE & Company has a portfolio of over 160 companies and $1.7bn assets under management.

Nandini Agarwal

Associate @ ffVC
Nandini is an Associate at ffVC. Previously, she was an investor at Florida Funders, the most active Venture Capital firm in the Southeast.

She sourced and ran diligence on early-stage B2B Enterprise SaaS companies across verticals such as Healthtech, Fintech, and Edtech.